Re-Read-A-Thon The Last Day + Giveaway


This is it!  The last day of this fantastic, week-long read-a-thon!  We have had wonderful hosts and giveaways galore!  Let’s celebrate this last day with 3 more giveaways!  My co-hosts for today are:

Bookstagramer: CircusofDamned and the theme of: the first book you ever fell in love with

Booktuber: Dustin from BookBabble

Featured Instagram: @circus_of_damned

Featured Booktube:


We are each hosting a flash giveaway today so make sure to check each of us out.


My topic is re-listening to old favorites.  Now, I am not much of a re-reader but I do have a few books that I do not mind re-reading.

eat-pray-love I alternate between re-reading this book and re-listening to it.  Each time, I get something new out of it.  Since it is read by the author on audio, I am able to really get into the story the way she meant it to be.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe This is another book that I simply love.  No matter how I read it, it transports me to Narnia every time.

Our Town A beautiful play that I first read back in Junior High.  I love this play and it is time for me to re-listen to it.

James and the Giant Peach Another book with fond memories.  I first listened to this story read to my class in 4th grade by my teacher.  This was our favorite part of the day and I became obsessed with this story.  I love to re-read it but it has been a while.  Another one on the list.

So, why didn’t I post a TBR or re-listen to any of these books during the re-read-a-thon?   I don’t know.  I decided to attempt to re-read a book that I loved many years ago.  I remember recommending it to people and really just loving the book, but when I looked back on it, I didn’t remember a thing about it.  That book is:

The Thirteenth Tale I read this the first time and this time I decided to listen to it on audio.  I hate to say it but I am so disappointed.  It is not the narration that I didn’t like, it is the story.  I am bored.  I don’t think I will finish listening to this and I may unhaul it from my shelf.

In no way do I count this re-read-a-thon as a bust for me.  It forced me to revisit a book that I thought was great and allowed me to find out that I no longer feel that way and that is ok.  My reading tastes have changed and I am sure that they will continue to do so as I get older.  New life experiences and points of views allow me to expand and change my reading tastes.  I find that by utilizing audio books, I am able to get something different out of the book then when I read the physical copy.  Does anyone else feel that way?  I encourage you to find your favorite book and listen to it on audio for a totally new experience.


OK, now it is time for the GIVEAWAY!!!  This giveaway is open internationally.  If you are under 18, please have you parents’ permission to give me your address to ship your book choice to.  You can pick a book from Book Depository for up to $15 USD.  You MUST be subscribed to my blog to WIN.  The giveaway will end tonight, March 24th at 8:00pm EST.








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