The Love Goddess’ Cooking School by: Melissa Senate


Book #75 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

Can you see a theme for this month’s book picks?  I am really into the food genre this month and this was my next pick.

In this novel, Holly moves in with her grandmother after a tough breakup.  Her grandmother owns Camilla’s Cucinotta, an old school Italian style cooking school and store.  When her grandmother passes away, Holly inherits this place and all of the memories and stories that goes with it.

This was a sweet story of growth and acceptance as well as a story of love, friendship and food.  The cover art is gorgeous and story line was endearing.

I gave this book 3 crowns.


Evelyn, After by: Victoria Helen Stone


Description from the publisher through Netgalley

Julia’s Chocolates by: Cathy Lamb


Book #74 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

Julia leaves her wedding dress hanging from a tree as she runs runs away from her abusive fiance on their wedding day.  That is how this story opens and things become more intriguing from there.  She goes to live with her eccentric aunt and everyday she learns more and more about that neighborhood of people and ultimately herself.

There are some crazy situations that she gets involved in but those lead her to self growth and essentially creating her own family.  This was a good story and it kept my interested.

I gave this book 3 crowns.


Life of the Party by: Bob Kealing


I won an ARC of this book from the publishers through Read It Forward.

I listened to this book on audio.  This is the story of Brownie Wise who is known to be the woman who lead the way for other women into the home sales business.  Brownie had to figure out a way to make enough money to live comfortably and raise her son after her divorce.

At the same time, Earl Tupper was about to revolutionize the way the households kept and preserved their food.  Tupper created Tupperware and Brownie Wise brought it into homes across America.  This was a powerhouse of a team.  However, like the saying goes: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  The power went to Brownie’s head and that eventually led to her complete disappearance from the home party world.  This is her story.

I thought this book had potential.  I never really knew of the story behind the Tupperware home parties although I am very attuned to the home party sales industry.  The book itself was a bit slow and may have had a bit to much unnecessary details for my liking.

I gave this book 2 crowns.



Cookbook Review Skinnytaste Fast and Slow by: GINA HOMOLKA and HEATHER K. JONES


 I received this book from the publisher through Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

IQ by: Joe Ide


Description from the Publisher through Netgalley

The Cookbook Collector by: Allegra Goodman


Book #73 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

I picked this book up on a whim from a Library book sale that I went to last month.  I really didn’t know much about it but the title caught my attention.  I was able to find this book on audio from my OverDrive app and listen to it on my commute.

I really enjoyed this book.  It had a little to do with food, a little to do with books and a lot to do with relationships.  The combination of all three led to a wonderful read.  I highly recommend this book and don’t want to give you any details about it.

I gave this book 5 crowns.


Tender at the Bone by: Ruth Reichl


Book #72 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

If you have read my other reviews, you know how much I love Ruth Reichl’s writing.  She pays such incredible attention to detail and takes the reader into her story.  Added bonus: recipes are included.  This is a nonfiction book that takes us back in time to when Ruth was growing up and had to protect house guests from her mother’s cooking.

We hear about how food became such an integral part of Ruth’s life.  This is a coming of age story that only Ruth Reichl could tell.  I encourage everyone to pick up her books.  I only have two more to go before I have read what is currently published and I am taking my time to get through them because I know I will love them.

I gave this 5 crowns.



Sweetbitter by: Stephanie Danler


Book #71 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

Ok, so this was a super-hyped book when it was released earlier this year and I was so excited to get it.  It stood on my shelf for a few months but I finally picked it up.  I was so incredibly disappointed.

When I first started it, all I could think about was that it was more of a stream of consciousness style then a novel.  I also don’t know what I was thinking, but I thought that this was a memoir and not a novelization.  However, even if it was a memoir, it still would have been bad.  I don’t know who hyped this book up or how it became a National Bestseller.

I had a very hard time trying to figure out what I was reading but I thought it would get better so I continued to read it instead of DNF’ing it…it didn’t.  I also refused to put it down because I paid full price for it. That just makes me mad!

I gave this book 1 crown.


The Art of Baking Blind by:Sarah Vaughan


Book # 70 for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks

The second book that I picked up this month was another book about cooking.  I have this book on my shelf for a while as well, but picked this book up on audio to listen to during my commute.  I absolutely loved this book.

The search is on for the new Mrs. Eaden, the famous chef behind the grocery chain that was established by her husband.  This is a contest in which several contestants compete in a culinary competition to gain the recognition that they crave.  We learn about each of their lives as well as the life of the esteemed Mrs. Eaden.

This was a enchanting, soul wrenching story about a group of people who lead their own lives but are looking for the same thing: recognition.  All they ever wanted was a bit of attention being shown to them.  This is a story that is very easy to read.

I gave this book 5 crowns.
